  Guitar Course    
Course Period:
4 Weeks

Music is the food of the spirit as it nurtures feelings and sensations, as well as taking its listener and taster to a higher levels of purity and beauty, regardless of his background and language. Guitar is a cord instrument descended from the traditional lute which is considered one of the oldest musical instruments. Number of people who want to learn the guitar increased after the global spread of jazz, blues, rock and pop music. .

The main objective
Course aims to provide participants with the basics, rules , playing the guitar skills and proficiency to enable them to track music and reading the notes, playing time , cords and affinities, which are used in playing guitar.

Training goals
1 - Identifying parts of the instrument and the names of cords.
2 - The ideal situation of the left hand fingers on the guitar.
3 - Studying the basic rules of musical notation in terms of the names of tunes on      the musical keys and rhythmic forms.
4 - Identifying musical scale the stairs and its harmonies “ major and minor       Cords”.
5 - To acquire skills of separating the left hand finger nerves to play classical      pieces.
6 - To acquire the skills of playing Blues.

Training content
1 - Training on maintaining and holding the instrument properly.
2 - Training on the mechanism of the left hand fingers on the cords.
3 - The proper position of the left hand fingers to play major and minor Cords.
4 - Exercises for separating the left hand fingers.
5 - Time Signature Guide and time values of the signs.
6 - Places of ringing tones on Dezatin (Frets).
7 - Key access of the high degrees (Treble Clef).
8 - Playing musical scales and cords.
9 - Reading musical notations straight away and applying it on the guitar
10 - Training on playing classical pieces using the tright and left hands fingers.

Target groups
1 - Individuals who want to develop their skills of playing the guitar on correct      basis.
2 - Individuals who have no musical background and want to learn playing the      guitar.

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