  T.V. Directing    
Diploma Period:
9 Months

The direction courses are designed to teach the students the art and craft of film direction skills through a balance of classroom instruction, hands-on film workshops, and immediate directing experience. Students will learn about and explore the numerous visual, dramatic, and technical challenges that directors face.
In addition to writing, producing, directing, and editing their own films through intensive hands-on instruction, our goal is to empower students to craftily tell stories.

Goals from this course
1. Knowing and understanding characteristics of the TV director.
2. Understanding duties of director to lead the team during the production.
3. Production planning for TV production.
4. Ways of production starting from ideas to final production.
5. How to gather creative opinion from different experts.
6. How to solve the repeated problems and solutions.

1. People who need to gain skills of Broadcast TV direction.
2. People who are working in TV direction and need to improve their skills.

Course Contents
1. The course includes characteristics of director.
2. Responsibilities and main tasks of the director during production.
3. Technical aspects of video and sound production.
4. TV direction styles like News, Discussion, Drama, Historical, Advertising etc,.
5. Real location Shooting experience.
6. Quality assurance of production.
7. Solving repeated problems and solutions.

Gained skills after the course completion

1. The student will understand how to direct TV programs and historical films.
2. The student will gain experience to manage and lead team with performance     evaluations.
3. The student will have basic concept of Lighting, cameras, editing, sound and     script writing.